FAMILY! Starting on the Epiphany of Our Lord, 1/7, and concluding by Valentine’s Day, 2/14, the Parish is hosting two activities of importance to husbands and wives, moms and dads.
Consecration To The Holy Family will be offered at all weekend
Masses on 1/6 and 1/7 and at the Family Holy Hour that weekend. At the end of Mass the celebrant will consecrate willing families. We will be asking for the intercession of the perfect son Jesus Christ, Mary the perfect mother, and Joseph who is a model for every father. The decision to consecrate your family needs to be intentional and a process through which you completely surrender to God through the Holy Family. You are accepting the truth that salvation history was changed forever by a family, and that through your domestic church, you are called to live their example.
The Mission Of The Family is a 5-part video series with facilitated discussion that will be offered to ALL married couples. Families having children living at home are the targeted audience. The series illuminates the truth and beauty of the Church’s teachings on marriage and family and inspires us to live them in the modern world. Today’s society, which has attempted to cast off its Christian roots, has made living out our understanding of marriage more and
more difficult. Family life stands out as a battleground in our time. Fewer people are married and fewer are having children. Between 2001 and 2021 the marriage rate in the US fell by 25%, and the fertility rate fell by 20%. The result is all-time lows in both categories. In 2022 more than 50% of children born in the U.K. entered the world with unmarried parents. The U.S. is not far behind. Between 1/7 and 2/14 this program will be offered at many venues and at different times.
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