

Liturgy & Spirituality

Glorify God through prayer and worship. Deepen your spiritual life of through planning liturgies and parish devotions, and strengthen the connection between liturgy and life […]

Faith Formation

Grow in your relationship with God. Live as a disciple of Jesus. Develop an understanding of the Bible. Deepen your spiritual life and practices. Engage in service and mission to the world. Participate in the life and ministries of our faith community […]

Family & Parish Life

The heart of a parish is the Eucharist, but the parish family is the body that makes it a unique and vibrant community with an exciting parish life. Our parish offers a variety of ways to be part of that communal family in addition to the celebration of the sacraments […]

Youth & Young Adult

We strive to empower young people to live as disciples of Jesus in our world today and draw youth into responsible participation in the life, mission, and work, of our Catholic faith community. In turn, we hope to deepen the personal and spiritual growth of everyone involved in Youth Ministry […]

Social Action

Our work is to embody Christ-like love toward those in need, the marginalized, the enemy, and those whom we love even when we expect no love in return. It responds to the words of Jesus about the final judgment when we will be asked what we did for the least of these, the sick, the imprisoned, the hungry[…]

Religious Education

Jesus calls us to know and to follow Him. The primary aim of St. John Neumann’s parish religious education program is directed toward this mission, so that children may grow in faith, hope, and love as true disciples.Through an array of classroom methods, children are introduced to the Blessed Trinity, Prayer, Scripture, and Tradition, through which they come to know and love the One who brings life and who sustains it.


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