Faith Formation


Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults is a gradual process by which adults ordinarily become incorporated to the Catholic Church. It is marked with a series of steps (formal rites) celebrated in a context of learning the faith and spiritual formation. The rites gradually incorporate the person into the body of Christ, the Church.

Who can be in RCIA?
  • An unbaptized adult who feels God’s call to the Catholic Church (catechumen)
  • Baptized Catholic adults who need to receive the sacrament of the Eucharist and/or Confirmation
  • Those baptized in other Christian churches and seek full communion with the Roman Catholic Church
  • Non-practicing Catholics who want to return to the church and deepen their faith
  • One in an interfaith marriage and wants to understand the family’s Catholic faith better

Embracing the Catholic Faith is a call from God. He calls in different ways and at different times. Thus, one can begin the process at any time. The conversion journey is always personal, shaped and influenced by many factors. Individuals vary in their needs and readiness.

If you are interested in learning more about our RCIA, please, contact any of our Pastors or call Sr. Elizabeth Wanyoike, ESM (Adult Faith Coordinator) at St. John Neumann Catholic Church’s office 865-966-4540.

Group Studies

On-going faith formation opportunities: Fall 2024-Spring 2025


  • Mondays 09/09th –10/28th (2024) 9-11 am,  The Sanctuary Course for Catholics,  Seton Hall
  • Monday 09/09th –11/18th (2024) 6-9 pm,  Bible Study, School Library
  • Tuesday 09/10th —11/19th (2024) 10am-12 pm,  Bible Study, Seton Hall
  • Tuesday 09/10 –10/27th (2024) 6:30-8:20 pm , The Sanctuary Course for Catholics, Seton Hall
  • Wednesdays 09/04—12/04 (2024 6-8:30 pm,  RCIA,  Seton Hall
  • Wednesdays 06/12/; 07/17; 09/25; (10/232024) 6:30 -8pm,  New Catholics, School Library
  • Thursdays   09/12—11/21 (2024) 10am -12pm, Walking with Purpose, Seton Hall
  • Thursday 09/12—11/21 (2024) 6-8:30 pm,  Walking with Purpose, Seton Hall
  • Saturday 09/07—11/09 (2024) 6:00-8: 30 am, That Man Is You (TMIY), School Cafeteria
  • Saturday 09/07—11/09 (2024) 9:00-8:30 am (She Will Be Called Woman) SHE, Seton Hall
  • Saturday 10/05 (2024) 9-3:30 pm,  Family Retreat,  School Cafeteria/Seton Hall
  • Advent Program (TBD)

If you are interested in learning more about these opportunities, please check the church bulletin or contact Sister Elizabeth at the church office at 865-966-4540 or by email at

Religious Education

“Let the children come to me. Do not hinder them.

The kingdom of God belongs to such as these.”

Matthew 19:14

Parish Religious Education classes are available for children Preschool – grade 4 on Sunday mornings. All are welcome!

Jesus calls us to know and to follow Him. The primary aim of St. John Neumann’s parish religious education program is directed toward this mission, so that children may grow in faith, hope, and love as true disciples.

Through an array of classroom methods, children are introduced to the Blessed Trinity, Prayer, Scripture, and Tradition, through which they come to know and love the One who brings life and who sustains it.

Catechesis of the Good Shepherd (Level 1 & 2, Grades Pre-K -3)

Catechesis of the Good Shepherd is a Montessori based catechetical program which is ordered to deeper relationship with Jesus Christ through contemplation, work and prayer. It is the fruit of many years of research, study and prayer by Montessori teachers and theologians, begun in Italy in the 1950s.

Children come to an atrium, a specially prepared environment, to encounter Christ and the teachings of our faith in a hands-on working method. The atrium is the special environment which is meant to be a bridge between the Church and the world. There are 3 Levels to the Catechesis of the Good Shepherd, and we are pleased to offer Levels 1 (Pre-K and Kindergarten on Sundays) and Level 2 (Grades 1-3 on Wednesdays).

Christ Our Life Curriculum (Grades K-4)

Grade levels of Christ Our Life New Evangelization Edition are part of a unified spiral curriculum. At each grade level, previously introduced materials are reviewed and new concepts are presented. In this way, each grade level builds upon the previous grade’s content, growing in depth and scope.

Age appropriate lessons center on the four pillars of the Catholic Church – Creed, Sacraments, Morality, and Prayer. Textbooks are in conformity with the Catechism of the Catholic Church by the Subcommittee on the Catechism, United States Conference of Catholic Bishops.

Lessons at every grade level of the Christ Our Life series are designed according to a three-step process. These steps are:

Centering – Activities that engage interest or provide review
Sharing – Activities that present the message and lead the children in prayer
Acting – Activities that encourage the children to live the message

Be involved as a Youth or Adult Volunteer

Youth Volunteers

Youth grades 5 and older may assist the catechist in the classroom. Put your faith and discipleship into action!

Adult Volunteers

Adult volunteers are always appreciated and necessary toward the success of our religious education program. Your gifts and talents will help further enhance our vibrant program. The choices are many ~ here are a few of the ways you can lend a hand:

Classroom catechist (teacher)
Teaching assistant
Substitute teacher
Help with special projects and events
At-home projects

For more information on the SJN religious education program, sacramental preparation, or to volunteer, contact the Parish Office.

Men’s Ministry

“That Man is You!” is one of the country’s leading Catholic men’s programs sweeping across the Nation in over 700 parishes. “That Man is You” combines Scripture, solid research about the trends of your contemporary world, and a little fun to address the pressures and temptations facing men in our modern culture. The ministry’s goal is twofold.

  1. Form authentic leaders who will be capable of transforming men, who in turn can transform their families and homes.
  2. Provide Catholic men the tools they need to lead themselves and their families to live a life of virtue.

A completely new TMIY program begins September 9, 2023 – new speakers, new topics, new theme!

Thy Kingdom Come – View Promo Video Here

This new year brings dynamic speakers from a range of backgrounds.  The Fight of Faith equips and enables men to engage in the cosmic, spiritual battle raging in our day.  Men will rediscover and reclaim their identities as soldiers, saints, brothers, disciples, sons of God and friends of Christ.

Now is the perfect time to join or re-join TMIY!

A list of speakers and a summary of topics for Thy Kingdom Come are available by downloading the brochure  HERE.

Please Join Us! Contact Bruce Soderberg at or Rich Cataldi at

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