Family & Parish Life

We are blessed to have an active bereavement ministry at St. John Neumann. Comprised of various parts, all offer support to parishioners when they experience the death of a loved one. Following is a brief description of each area.
Correspondence: A group of parishioners make up the correspondence committee. When a parishioner experiences a death in their family, whether the funeral takes place at St. John Neumann or elsewhere, a member of the correspondence committee is notified and reaches out to the bereaved through note cards and sometimes a phone call. This begins at the onset of the death and continues until the one year anniversary. By doing so, the bereaved are carried in thought and prayer for the duration of one year.
Funeral Meals: The meal committee provides a luncheon following a funeral Mass. Members of the committee offer assistance by taking on a task such as preparing food, maintaining supplies, setting up, serving, or cleaning up afterward.
Grief Support: A 6-week Catholic based grief support program is offered periodically throughout the year. Grief support enables the bereaved to work through their feelings in the company of others who are experiencing many of the same feelings. We are currently in need of a facilitator for our grief support program. Please consider serving as a grief support facilitator. Materials, guidance and support are provided. Contact Marilyn Derbyshire if you are willing to serve as a facilitator or for more information.
St. Veronica Ministry: Just as St. Veronica, Model of Compassion, wiped the face of Jesus, men and women of compassion attend funeral Masses to offer prayer and a quiet presence. Many times, funeral Masses have few family and friends in attendance. This is especially true for our elderly deceased, but also true of funerals when family and friends live a distance. Having parishioners present at funeral Masses is an outward sign of our care and spiritual support toward grieving members of our parish family. When a funeral Mass occurs, a representative of the St. Veronica Ministry notifies members. The members of the St. Veronica Ministry attend the Mass and sit together as a group on behalf of our parish.
We welcome your participation in all areas of the bereavement ministry. If are willing to serve in one or more of the above areas or would like more information, please contact Director of Parish Ministries Ellie Sanchez at or call the Parish Office.
Divorce Support
Divorce & Beyond
St. John Neumann offers Divorce & Beyond support group for Catholic men and women who have experienced or are experiencing divorce. Participants will find a safe environment to explore the myriad of feelings that divorce brings. Divorce & Beyond will help you to experience hope and healing simply by listening and sharing experiences and insights with others. Divorce support helps you to understand what you are going through and learn from others who have gone through the same things.
We invite those with a need for healing and help to move beyond separation and to participate in this 9-week Catholic-based program beginning Sunday, January 12 from 4:00-5:30 pm in Seton Hall. Cost for supplies is $15.00. For more information, contact facilitator, Mary Coffey, at 865-966-3237 or
Marriage Annulment and/or Convalidation of Marriage
If you need help to present your petition with the Tribunal, or to understand what you need to do to have your marriage convalidated, we will be happy to assist you.
Please contact Sr. Resty at 865-777-4319 or for an appointment.
Families on Fire
We are currently restructuring our Families on Fire ministry. Please check back later for more details.
If you are interested in assisting Families on Fire, or for more information, please contact Adeline Letizia at or 865-405-8832.
Marriage Preparation and Enrichment
Marriage Preparation: Your marriage is cherished by the people of the Catholic Church. The decision to marry is truly one of the most important and joyful decisions of your life. Please use this time of engagement as an opportunity to prepare for marriage. Many couples look forward to the wedding day, and planning for that “perfect” day can easily consume most of your time and attention. All engaged couples need time to pray, reflect, and talk with each other in a time and a space away from other demands as they prepare for their new life as a married couple.
May this be a season of grace and heavenly blessing! You are coming to the Catholic Church to be married. A Catholic wedding is so much more than a social event. It is a sacrament in which a man and woman become husband and wife in the presence of God, the wedding officiant, and your family and friends. From the Rite of Marriage: “Dear friends, you have come together in this church so that the Lord may seal and strengthen your love in the presence of the Church’s minister and this community.”
The staff at St. John Neumann will assist you as you plan for this momentous and sacred day. Your preparation will reflect the principals that govern Catholic liturgical celebrations.
Click here to view our Wedding Policies for weddings held at St. John Neumann Catholic Church
Marriage preparation in our diocese: The Catholic Church’s marriage-preparation process helps engaged couples assess their readiness for marriage and assists them in understanding that marriage is a vocation, a covenant, and a sacrament. The Diocese of Knoxville’s guidelines for the process are outlined below. Preparation starts at the parish level, with an introductory meeting with a parish priest or deacon, includes attending a weekend designed for engaged couples, and ends with final preparation back at the parish.
Click Here to Visit the Diocesan Site to Learn More
Marriage Enrichment: St. John Neumann Parish honors the gift of marriage and family to our Parish, our Catholic Church and the world. We endeavor to be attentive to the needs of the couples by availing marriage enrichment programs that are offered periodically. They are indicated in the Parish Bulletin, Parish App. and Facebook. Marriage Enrichment Programs are opportunities to make good marriages better.
While the children are in Religious education on Sunday mornings 9:40-10:20am, there is a session for parents in the Library. This discussion covers various topics about faith and family life. All parents are welcome; even if you do not have a child in the Religious Ed. program.
Religious Education Calendar
St. Gerard Prayer Ministry
St. Gerard is the patron saint of motherhood and expectant mothers. The purpose of the St. Gerard Prayer Ministry is for parishioners to pray for expectant mothers and their unborn children, or for women having difficulty getting pregnant. If you would like to receive prayers for a successful pregnancy, or if you are willing to pray for these women, please Marilyn Derbyshire at the church office.
Coffee and Donuts
From September through early May, we welcome you to Seton Hall after 8:30 and 10:30 Sunday Mass for refreshments and fellowship. We will have hot coffee, juice, and a variety of donuts. Why wait in line to get out of the parking lot? Join us!
Please note that coffee and donuts are not served during school holidays or when the Knights of Columbus host their Parish Breakfast.
You can sign up to serve HERE!
Knights of Columbus
If you are a Catholic man 18 years or older and you wish to become closer to you family, or if you wish to strengthen your faith, or just want to give back to your community, we have something for you in the Knights of Columbus. Join Today.
We are an organization like no other. 1.8 million members worldwide, and growing. An organization that has raised over a billion dollars for countless charitable causes.
We are men of faith. Guided not only by our belief in God and the Catholic Church, but by our belief in ourselves and in each other.
We are the Knights of Columbus. An organization strengthened by the successes of our past, and driven by our goals for the future. Dedicated to five key areas of service: faith, community, family, youth, and fellowship. Dedicated to making a difference. Since its founding in 1882 the Knights of Columbus has become the world’s largest Catholic, family, fraternal organization dedicated to serving the church and community.
Here are some activities performed by your parish Knights of Columbus Council:
Church Programs:
- Rosary recitation prior to all Saturday evening Masses
- Mother’s Day (roses) and Father’s Day (prayer cards)
- Lenten Fish Fries following Friday Stations of the Cross
- St. John Neumann School Teachers’ Luncheons
Community Programs:
- Mental Retardation Awareness and Financial Aid
- Deliver food, clothing, appliances to the needy in Southern Appalachia
- Widow / Widower assistance (repairs/maintenance)
Council Programs:
- Corporate Communions celebrated quarterly
- Monthly Newsletter
- Spouse Appreciation Night Social
- Masses for deceased members and spouses of the Council
- Members in distress, financial and spiritual support for those suffering a crisis in their life
Family Programs:
- Group Outings
- Monthly Breakfasts
- Name “Family of the Month/Year” and “Knight of the Month/Year”
Insurance Programs:
- New Member Annuity Program
- Life, long term care, Annuity policies offered exclusively to members and their families by local K of C Insurance agent
Pro-Life Programs:
- Spiritual and financial support at the local, state, and national level
- Participate in local and national Right to Life marches
Vocations Programs:
- Financial and prayerful support for diocesan seminarians and religious formation
- Annual Clergy and Religious Appreciation Night Dinner
Youth Programs:
- Altar Servers’ Appreciation Party
- Free throw contest and soccer challenge
- High School Senior Awards and SJN Grade 8 Graduation Awards
- Annual Easter Egg Hunt
- Assistance at Confirmation Retreat
It takes many hands for the Knights of Columbus to be a success.
Make yours two of them.
The Knights of Columbus In Service to One. In Service to All.

The Newcomers Welcoming Committee strives to create a friendly, inviting atmosphere for our new parishioners. Volunteers serve as the initial greeter to new parish members, and host fellowship hospitality gatherings.
All interested parishioners are invited to join this group.
Please contact Jane at 675-3930 or
SJN Council of Catholic Women
The Board of the St. John Neumann Council of Catholic Women extends to you warm greetings! All ladies of St. John Neumann Catholic Church are automatic members of the Council. We hope to see you at an event or meeting very soon.
The SJN Council of Catholic Women is an extension of the National Conference of Catholic Women (NCCW) of the United States. Established at St. John Neumann Parish in 1984, the Women’s Club is hoping to renew and invigorate active participation by all Catholic women in parish social, spiritual, and service events. We Welcome You!
The Saint John Neumann Council of Catholic Women strives to support, inspire, and educate the women of Saint John Neumann Catholic Church. Through the divine inspiration of the Holy Trinity, we encourage the gospel teachings of spiritualty, service, and community.
The CCW is a special place. It’s your place. Please check us out by coming to the next event. Also please consider becoming a committee member or planning member on one of our three sub-committees:
Spiritual: Â
Focuses on the spiritual development of both the individual and the greater church community. This committee is tasked with offering opportunities to grow in faith and wisdom of the richness of the Catholic Faith. Two examples of events under the responsibility of the Spiritual Committee are Advent by Candlelight and VBS.
Focuses on fun, quarterly social events such casino night, trivia, and bingo. This committee is very flexible. The committee is tasked with creating events that will promote unity, a sense of belonging, and joy to our Church community.Â
Focuses on opportunities to serve the Church and wider community. Tasks include support for Seminarians, Bereavement support, and general service opportunities in the community.Â
If you would like more information, or if you would like to be added to the Council mailing list, please contact Lisa Beldyk HERE or Megan Vanderhoofven HERE. You can also call the Parish Office for more information.
St. Vincent De Paul Society
We are proud to serve the community as a Matthew Chapter 25 ministry.
Members of the SJN Conference of the Society of St. Vincent de Paul are committed to serving members of our parish and our larger community with outreach, financial support and prayer. Established in 2007, we have established and are active in a number of church ministries. In this brief period of time, we have accomplished the following:
- SVdP helps hundreds of families each year
- Assists families through both telephone interviews and home visits
- Refers people in need to other aid agencies and resources when appropriate
- Holds semi-annual food drives to aid Ladies of Charity in their ministry
Our accomplishments are achieved with the support of St John Neumann Parish contributions, gifts from supporters, and proceeds from grocery certificate sales.
“Lord, when did we see you hungry and feed you, or thirsty and give you drink? When did we see you a stranger and welcome you, or naked and clothe you? When did we see you ill or in prison, and visit you? (Matthew 25: 37 39).
The Society of St. Vincent de Paul is a worldwide Christian community, founded in Paris in 1833, by a group of Catholic lay people who joined together to create the first Conference. The Society has been Catholic from its origins. It remains an international Catholic voluntary organization of lay people, men and women. The vocation of the Society’s members, who are called Vincentians, is to follow Christ through service to those in need and so bear witness to His compassionate and liberating love. Members show their commitment through person-to-person contact. No work of charity is foreign to the Society. It includes any form of help that alleviates suffering or deprivation and promotes human dignity. Vincentians strive to seek out and find those in need and the forgotten, the victims of exclusion or adversity. Vincentians pray that the Holy Spirit may guide them during their visits and make them channels for the peace and joy of Christ.
If you are looking for an opportunity to serve the Lord in this most vital of ministries, come join us! Look for our announcements in the bulletin for more information.