Religious Education

Religious Education

“Let the children come to me. Do not hinder them. The kingdom of God belongs to such as these.” Matthew 19:14

Jesus calls us to know and to follow Him. The primary aim of St. John Neumann’s parish religious education program is directed toward this mission so that children may grow in faith, hope, and love as His true disciples. Through an array of teaching methods, children are introduced to the Blessed Trinity, Prayer, Scripture, and Tradition, and as a result, come to know and love God.

2024-2025 Parent Handbook and Class Calendar

To assist parents who are the primary educators of their children (CCC 2223), St. John Neumann offers two methods of religious education for elementary school students:

Catechesis of the Good Shepherd

Level 1: Grades Pre-K (Age 4) Sundays 9:40 am – 10:20 am
Level 2: Grades 1 through 3 Sundays 5 pm – 6:30 pm

Catechesis of the Good Shepherd is a Montessori based catechetical program which is ordered to deeper relationship with Jesus Christ through contemplation, work and prayer. It is the fruit of many years of research, study and prayer by Montessori teachers and theologians and began in Italy in the 1950s.

In the Catechesis of the Good Shepherd program, students come to an atrium, a specially prepared environment, to encounter Christ and the teachings of our faith in a hands-on working method. The atrium is meant to be a bridge between the Church and the world.


Christ Our Life Curriculum (Grades K through 4)

The traditional classroom model, which is held from 9:40 – 10:20 am on Sundays, uses Christ Our Life, which is a unified spiral curriculum. At each grade level, previously introduced materials are reviewed and new concepts are presented. In this way, each grade level builds upon the previous grade’s content, increasing in depth and scope.

This series is in conformity with the Catechism of the Catholic Church. Specifically, age-appropriate lessons center on the four pillars of the Catholic Church: Creed, Sacraments, Morality, and Prayer. These lessons at every grade level of the Christ Our Life series use a three-step process:

1. Centering – Activities that engage interest or provide review
2. Sharing – Activities that present the message and lead the children in
3. Acting – Activities that encourage the children to live the message



First Reconciliation and First Communion are offered to students who are in second grade or older. In order for students to receive these Sacraments, they must have completed at least one year of a parish religious education program or a Catholic school for the previous school year.

Confirmation is offered to students in grade five or older. It is expected that students will have completed the previous years of religious education classes in a parish religious education program or at a Catholic school before beginning preparation for the sacrament of Confirmation.

Pray With Your Child

Each year in religious education gives children an opportunity to learn more prayers, helping them to develop a strong relationship with God. By praying together each day, you’ll help your child commit each of these prayers to memory. You can click and download prayer cards for each age (Pre-K through Grade 4) below.

Want to be involved?

In order to pass the faith onto the next generation, we need volunteers—both youth and adults—to help with the religious education program. Youth who have received the Sacrament of Confirmation are welcome to assist in the classroom. It’s a great opportunity to put your faith and discipleship into action!

Adult volunteers are always necessary as well! Your gifts and talents will inspire young people to strengthen their faith, and you can serve in the following ways:

  • Classroom Catechist (teacher)
    · Teaching Assistant
    · Substitute Teacher
    · Special Events Planner/Helper
    · Leader of At-Home Projects

For more information on the St. John Neumann religious education program or to volunteer, contact the Director of Religious Education at 865-777-4312 or use this form.

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